200 hour VA Yoga Teacher Training in English
presently I have no teacher trainings for 2024

Prana Yoga Vienna Mariahilfer Straße 82, 1070 Vienna
Vibrantly Alive Yoga currently runs independent Yoga trainings that are hosted at the Yoga teachers non-profit cooperative Prana Yoga here in Vienna.
Dates 2022
200h Yoga Teacher Training Vienna 2022
Training weekends-
Nov. 4-5, 25-26, Dec. 16-17, Feb. 3-4, March 2-3, 30-31
April 27-28. May 18-19, June 8-9, A total of 9 weekends
weekends are Sat and Sun
All Saturday and Sunday weekends start at 0800 and finish at 1700ish
What you can expect to learn:
It is my belief that the tools in this yoga teacher training will give students the foundation and ability to create vitalizing Vinyasa Classes, Hatha Yoga Classes and Energising Elemental Yoga Classes for all types of people and age groups. Creating a versatile teacher capable of inspiring others on to the journey of greater health and wellbeing. On this journey of teaching yoga you the student will gain a greater knowege of
and numerous techniques/ practices and how to use them in a practical way to balance their own body-mind and physiology.
There will also be several guest teachers in the program teaching various workshops within the training, Such as
Intro to Restorative Yoga, Pre and post natal yoga both Led by Sarah Scharf
Embodied Vinyasa Flow with Ira Lauren
Breathwork for the Nervous system and the Mind with Birgit Merlicek
Intro to Yin Yoga and Yoga Therapy with Michael Johnson
To join the training You need a committment to have an open mind and a desire to grow mentally and emotionally and a relatively healthy body. Of course some yoga experience is helpful. You should have at least 1 year of going to classes. The rest you can leave to us :)
Most importantly students learn valuable knowledge and numerous techniques/ practices and how to use them in a practical way to balance their own body-mind and physiology.
Our Teacher trainings are a comprehensive Introduction to Yoga and its ancient system of personal liberation and transformation a powerful, transformative, and evolutionary process. The most important requirement is a desire to grow, explore who you are and honor your intuition. Our mission is to present yoga and its ability to transform the body and mind in an honest, inspiring and beautiful way. Allowing the individual to express through yoga their own body. The course is about self exploration and connection. It's an opportunity for you to explore and strengthen your yoga practice and knowledge of yourself. In the training we cover both traditional knowledge with modern anatomy and bio mechanics wisdon to create a safe and sustainable practice.
We embue in our students that the physical practice of yoga is as individual as your finger prints and safety is paramount in your teaching and self practice. Our trainings are multi discipline and rooted in tradition. Incorporating similar philosophy’s of Hatha Yoga and Five Element Yoga practice of Tattwa Shuddhi Sadhana. For me your yoga practice should create, maintain and restore the optimum structure of the spine. Create strength, flexibilty and optimal structural alignment and fuctioning of the various body systems.
Our heartfelt truth is Yoga is for everyone. This is why i have named the school Vibrantly Alive Yoga, a Hatha Yoga school rooted deeply in the yogic traditions coming from TKV Desikachar, AG Mohan as taught to me by Master Yogi Peter John Clifford. Most of the content of the teacher training manual is from this lineage and directly from my teacher Peter Clifford of Anahata Yoga Australia. We have an expert international team of accomplished and senior teachers.
Yoga Teacher Curriculum:
The course runs generally all day Saturday and Sunday, from 0800-1730 with breaks for breakfast, tea and lunch. The teachers are all accomplished teachers in their respective area's. As the director of this Yoga Teacher Training I have chosen my closest and most respected colleagues of like minded yogis to deliver a unique, detailed and empowering course. Throughout the course are mini quiz’s and 5 written test’s and several practical teaching labs and of course homework and required reading during the breaks between the physical class dates.
There is a strong self development component in this teacher training coming from my belief that teaching yoga is more than technical expertise and the ability to do advanced poses it is the development of awareness, compassion and connection to yourself. Last a dissolving of the ego. It is my deep belief that the tools in this foundation yoga teacher training will give students the ability to create vitalizing Vinyasa Classes, Restorative Yin Yoga Classes and Energising Elemental Yoga Classes for all types of people and age groups. Creating a versatile teacher.
This a rare unique opportunity to go deeper into your personal practice. This trainng is designed for house hold yogis with a committment of one weekend per month and is a 200 hour Yoga Alliance Certified Teacher Training:
Techniques of Yoga – 100 hours
Kriya yoga, Pranayama, Meditation, Different styles of yoga (Hatha, Vinyasa flow, 5 Element form and more..) Restorative yoga and props, Surya Namaskar, standing poses, forward bends, twists, backbends, inversions, balances, Satsang, Chanting, Kirtan
Teaching Methodology – 45 hours
vibrantly alive teaching method, sequencing, adjustments and assists for sun salutation, standing poses, forward bends, twists, backbends, inversions, balances and Savasana.
Anatomy and Physiology – 20 hours
Basics of skeletal, muscular, respiratory, cardiovascular anatomy, injury and recovery, yogic anatomy: chakras, nadis, prana, and bandha, anatomy of adjustments
Yoga Philosophy - 40 hours
Basic yoga philosophy, Yoga Sutra of Patanjali, 8 Limbs of Ashtanga, Yoga as a philosophy of living, the different yoga styles, living in the here and now, Awareness, Enlightenment
Group Practicum – 15 hours
Includes student teaching as well as observing and assisting in classes taught by others. Focusing on sequencing, theme and power of voice.
2.500 euro (early bird discount until June 30,2022 is 2.200 euro)
Deposit: 500 euro to secure your place once your application has been accepted and payment plans as you need during the course, we ask that all balances are cleared by the end of the training.
Book the training:
Dear friends, in order to confirm your place in a course please use the following details bank transfer: Bank Austria
Michael Johnson
IBAN: AT61 1200 0100 0743 4755,
Generally your place is not reserved until your deposit or full payment has been recieved.
Refunds & Cancellation Policy
Payment of a deposit sets a serious intention and commitment to participate in the course. The number of participants will be limited, so the deposit will secure your place on the course.
If you need to withdraw your application it will be fully refunded until 75 days before start date. Thereafter the course fees are not refundable but can be transferred to be used as payment for other workshops and trainings by vibrantly alive yoga.
*What did you get out of the training?
I think I got a very well founded knowledge on Yoga, especially Hatha Yoga, including Yoga philosophy,
Ayurveda and the physiology of the body as well as a comprehensive training of the fundamentals of
Hatha Yoga asanas.
*And how has the training impacted your life and or understanding of yoga?
Definitely has the training impacted my personal and professional life in many di#erent kind of ways, one
of the most important changes is that I became more conscious and aware regarding food and nutrition,
what I put into my body and how this might e#ect; I also became more aware of my own body, its
structure, func$on and physiology, how it works and what might be wrong if it does not work anymore; I
become more conscious of myself, my weaknesses and strengths, as well as regarding the relaton of
myself towards other people; also becoming more aware of certain attudes and values like self-respect,
self-love and respect towards other human beings and living beings in general.
Yes, this training has de"nitely impacted my life and will for sure have a long lastng e#ect on my life, as it
is an internal change which took place (and still continues to take place) and not an external one…
*And if you would recommend it.
I would recommend the training for anybody who is interested in yoga, especially Hatha Yoga and Yoga
therapy, who aims to contnually work on him- or herself and/or aims to gain more consciousness and
become more aware of him- or herself and certain aspects of his or her life (like rela$onships, health,
work-life balance, etc.)!! Daniela 2019