About us
Vibrantly Alive Yoga is Michael Sidhamo Johnson . The style of yoga taught at Vibrantly Alive Yoga is a cleansing, invigorating, dynamic, flowing, breath centered, approach to hatha yoga. Our 200 hour teacher trainings and classes focus on the therapeutic use of the breath to balance the body. In all our teachings A safe and sustainable and aware practice is the cornerstone of my yoga classes and teacher trainings. The 200 hourTeacher trainings are a comprehensive Introduction to Yoga and its ancient system of personal liberation. The training is a transformation a powerful, transformative, and evolutionary process.

Michael Sidhamo Johnson
Director Vibrantly Alive Yoga
My journey has been an ongoing process of self-development, expression and evolution. Born and raised in NYC, I grew up in Harlem, Greenwich Village and the Lower East side. As culturally diverse as it get's. As the great Yogi Mark Whitwell has paraphrased, “ There is nothing but a loving nurturing force”. That loving force has guided and protected me without fail. Life is not to be figured out, it is to be lived and lived well! For me nothing is more true.
Already as a child I was exposed to the Raja Yoga teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda - a path that pinnacled with my Kriya Yoga Initiation in 1986. After a long exploration of life and a career as a Chef, Dj and Music Event Producer, I found myself in East Hampton (NY), where I was exposed to the Osho Sanyassins! Inspired by these creative community, I rediscovered my interest in yoga and self-development and traveled to the Osho Center in Pune (India) 1998. At first for three weeks and later to stay several month to study different healing techniques such as Diamond Breathwork, Active Meditations, Ayurvedic Yoga Massage, and Emotional Process Work.
After my studies in India, I felt a calling to go to Thailand, where I ran Practitioner Trainings in Ayurvedic Yoga Massage and practiced at the healing and detox center 'The Sanctuary' (Koh Phangan). from 2001- 2011 During this time I was invited to share my teachings and bodywork in Europe. It was in London I met some great Yogis who really introduced me to Hatha Yoga. Mark Whitwell, Howard Napper, Gary Carter and David Sye. I had the pleasure of working with the last 3 as a therapist in their events and workshops and center’s. During this time I began to experience great success as a therapist and as a teacher of Ayurvedic Yoga Massage. I had great luck in London or divine intervention I appeared on The Ruby Wax Show, Terry and Gabby Show and almost a dozen features in local and national magazines and newspapers. I had the priviledge of working at in Triyoga Primrose Hill and the Life Center Notting Hill Gate as a therapist.
2007 I cooperated with Lene Hansson, teaching and practicing at her healing center in Copenhagen. A path that was so successful and satisfying that I finally moved to Denmark where I lived for nearly a decade working during the summer in Europe and during the winter in Asia.
In 2010 while visiting the Sanctuary Resort in Kohphangan,Thailand on a working holiday I met my teacher and mentor Peter John Clifford of Anahata Yoga who has been one of my primary sources of inspiration and detailed teaching in Hatha Yoga. . During my time in Copenhagen I taught at FitnessDK, WellCome Fitness and began my Yoga School Vibrantly Alive Yoga, leading independent 200-hour trainings in Copenhagen. During my time in Denmark I led 6 200 hour trainings.
In 2017 I moved to Vienna. I have taught for several years at YogaKula, Holmes Place and Currently teach at Retreat Yoga and BodyConcept
My Yoga Educations
I did my first Yoga Alliance certified training with fiend and teacher Randall O’ Leary in Kohphangan, Thailand in 2009. Hatha Yoga influenced by the Vinni Yoga teachings of TKV Desikachar.
My second 200 hour yoga teacher training came from organizing a course for my friend Sofia Arrujo for Swara Yoga in 2010. I asked Peter Clifford to guest teach on the course. Sofia also teaches Hatha Yoga and Peter’s back ground is also Vinni Yoga of TKV Desikachar.
The third was while working with my teacher Peter Clifford, I assisted him in building Anahata Yoga. I served as an administrator for the school. I participated in the 200 hour YTT of February 2011 in Kohphangan. I also did the 100 hour Elemental Yoga Certification in Bali
Shiatsu Practitioner Training 2 years with Gramme Doherty Copenhagen 2013-2014
The 75 hour Tapasya Hot Yoga Teacher Training @ Tri-Yoga-London with Kirstin Campbell, Nov. 2013
Yoga Anatomy Online training with Leslie kaminoff with additional in person workshops in NYC March 2014
Introduction to Tantric Yoga Level 1 Agama Yoga Kohphangan Thaialand. 2015
300 hour Advanced Yoga and Therapy Training with Peter J. Clifford @Mon Retreat in Denmark August 2016
Yin Yoga Teacher training 45 hours- 5 Element Yoga July 2017
Therapeutic Yin Therapy Teacher Training with Viktor Chang in Singapore 2018
Svastha Yoga Therapy Training began in July 2017 and currently on going with Dr Ganesh Mohan and Dr. Gunther Nielsen
Currently In The Zen Coaching Training Based in Sweden completes March 2024